performance storytelling show


Of Mothers, Grandmothers and Freedom

"Beautiful, powerful, moving, tender and important."

"Deeply touched by this desire to belong to a certain piece of the earth."

"The kind of show that is needed in a polarised world."

finding the mothers

Colonial history has wiped many stories off the map. This show is about tracing a line back to the mothers who carried us. And the great grandmothers who carried the grandmothers who carried the mothers as they tried to keep their children safe and free.

When 20 years ago storyteller Inez Aponte first began to search for her Surinamese grandmother’s lineage, she met a dead end. The woman whose culture she had inherited was a mere footnote in her family tree - Of Non-White Descent.Only when the Dutch slave registers were made available online in 2018 was she able to trace her ancestors back to the plantations where they were enslaved.In this piece she mixes tales from Surinam’s oral tradition with family history, as she explores themes of home, rootedness and belonging.

weaving memory and folklore

Meet an old crone, two friends and three strange scenes.Enter a place of shapeshifters, time travelers and magical babies who speak from their mother’s womb.

This is about finding your name and keeping your name.This is about people enslaved for gold and freed by gold.This is about being

un earthed

watch the trailer

Video following soon

book a workshop

This show addresses themes which are alive for many of us today: slavery, migration, identity and belonging.Our workshops are an invitation to explore these themes further in a safe and welcoming environment. With an emphasis on active listening and open-hearted dialogue, we create spaces where each person's story can be heard, deepening our collective understanding of the impact historical events can have on current experience.

see this show

We are currently seeking funding to tour this show across the UK, Belgium and the Netherlands. If you would like to join our mailing list, we can update you with our tour dates.To find out more contact [email protected]

Inez aponte

Inez Aponte is a warm and vibrant performer with a background in dance, visual art and theatre improvisation. A storyteller of Puerto Rican and Surinamese descent, raised in the USA and the Netherlands, her performances reflect the richness of a life shaped at the meeting point of cultures.